The Friendly Confines Signage- 2003
The honyaks - 2003
More of the Honyaks - 2003
Jim T.'s Globetrotter Resplendant
Another view of the Globetrotter
The Friendly Confines - 2003-1
The Friendly Confines - 2003-2
Tim's '67 Caprice - 2003
The Friendly Confines - 2003-3
The Friendly Confines - 2003-4
The Friendly Confines - 2003-5
The Friendly Confines - 2003-6
The Friendly Confines - 2003-7
The Friendly Confines - 2003-8
The Friendly Confines - 2003-9
The Friendly Confines - 2003-10
The Friendly Confines - 2003-11
The Friendly Confines - 2003-12
B Mitchell's Tempo
The Friendly Confines - 2003-13